Szép remények

október 5, 2022 No Comments »

men-retroProduction Year:[1946]: Charles Dickens (1812-1870) az angol irodalom talán legtöbbet megfilmesített klasszikusa. David Lean két regényét is filmre vitte a háború után. A közkedvelt Twist Olivernél (1947) is jobban sikerült ennek a kevésbé ismert, de sajátosan aktuális Dickens-műnek a feldolgozása: egy fiú szökött fegyenccel találkozik a mocsárvidéken és ennek egész életét meghatározó, furcsa következményei lesznek. Az angol kritikusok ma is a legjobb Dickens-adaptációnak s talán Lean egyik legjobb filmjének tartják, amelynek látványtervezője (John Bryan) méltán kapott Oscar-díjat… [Storyline]: Pip, a good-natured, gullible young orphan, lives with kind blacksmith Joe Gargery and his bossy, abusive wife “Mrs. Joe”. When the boy finds two hidden escaped galley convicts, he obeys under, probably unnecessary, threat of a horrible death to bring the criminals food.

He must steal at peril of more caning from the battle-ax. Just when Pip fears to get it really good while they have guests, a soldier comes for Joe who takes Pip along as assistant to work on the chains of the escaped galley-convicts, who are soon caught. The better-natured one takes the blame for the stolen food. Later Pip is invited to became the playmate of Estella, the equally arrogant adoptive daughter of gloomy, filthy rich Miss Havisham at her estate, who actually has “permission” to break the kind kid’s heart. Being the only pretty girl he ever saw, she wins his heart forever, even after a mysterious benefactor pays through a lawyer for his education and a rich allowance, so he can become a snob in London, by now “ashamed” of simple Joe. Only after years in idle wealth, Pip learns Havisham is not his benefactor as he assumed, and both her story and those of his real sponsor and Estella.

Lassú internet, illetve nagyobb videónál előfordulhat, hogy a videóra másodpercet is várnod kell, indítás után!..

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