Az otthagyottak

nov 23, 2022 by

Az otthagyottak

Rayford Steele pilóta, akinek már semmi öröme nincs a családi életében, mióta felesége, Irene felfedezte a Bibliát és annak tanításai szerint él. A lányával sem klappol minden, de legalább mindig kimegy az apja elé a repülőtérre. Itt ismermi meg a fiatal Buckot, aki el is csavarja a fejét. Ők ketten is felszállnak arra a gépre, melynek a pilótája Rayford lesz. Amikor a repülőgép légörvénybe kerül, totális káosz alakul ki, melynek során rejtélyes módon emberek tűnnek el a fedélzetről. Senki nem tudja, mi okozhatta ezt a jelenséget és hol vannak az eltűntek… / Rayford shows up on his way to a flight and apologizes to Chloe for missing his birthday party, insisting he was called in to pilot a flight to London at the last minute. He also assures Chloe that things are fine between himself and his wife, who recently had become a proselytising Christian, much to Chloe’s annoyance.

Chloe suspects things are not fine between her parents – she had seen him flirting with flight attendant Hattie Durham and notices he has removed his wedding ring. Her suspicions are soon confirmed when an airport worker hands Chloe a pair of tickets for a concert in London that Rayford had ordered, indicating his trip was planned in advance.

Chloe brushes off another of her mother’s preachings and takes her brother to the mall. As she hugs him, he vanishes, into thin air, leaving his clothes behind. The same has happened to numerous others at the mall. Mayhem breaks loose as shoppers begin looting the stores. A driver-less car plows through the mall windows, and a small plane without a pilot crashes into the parking lot. Chloe sees television reports of children and some adults disappearing, as worldwide panic sets in…

Lassú internet, illetve nagyobb videónál előfordulhat, hogy a videóra másodpercet (esetleg egy kicsivel többet) is várnod kell, indítás után!..

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